Friday, March 15, 2013

4 weeks to go, and...

I last was at the gym 02/22.  
My race is 04/13.
So much for having a semi-decent finish!  I am glad when I signed up for the race that I knew I could complete the race, even if I have to walk most of it.  
I've been pretty sick for awhile now.  Flat on my back for several days.  Still sleeping in an inclined position to keep me from coughing all night long.  Still waking up past exhausted.  Still barely making it to work on time.  Still thinking it is a wise idea to not go to the gym to squat 145 lbs!!!  
But I want to!  So bad!!!  I hate driving straight home 3 days a week after work!  I hate missing church!  I hate not being able to do my long run after church!  I hate not feeling the sense of accomplishment as I push myself harder, farther to complete that next set, to add another 10 lbs, to feel that burn, to just zone out as I run the next step!!!
For the 3rd week in a row, I am telling myself, take this weekend, keep it easy, Monday, get ready to hit it hard.  The last 2 Sundays, I have barely been able to make it through the day, so I don't know what this one will bring.
There are only 4 training weeks left before the race.  I realistically would like all 4 to know that I am ready for the race, but I can't do anything to jeopardize me for that day.  
Ugh!  This is so frustrating!!!