Monday, January 14, 2013

Every Victory IS a Victory

Jesyka has lost 2.3 lbs.
 - Valerie says congrats!
 - Kim says WTG!
 - Melynda says you go girl!
 - Jesyka says it is really only a 0.1 loss.  Final recovery from last weekend's gain.

I see this time and time again.  And I have to wonder to myself why would 'Jesyka' have this attitude towards her weight loss?
In my experience, weight loss, as well as most challenges life presents to us, is mostly a mental game.  
I like to take any and all victories as a victory!
 - I lost 2.3 lbs today!  Fabulous!!!
 - I fit into my skinny jeans!  Amazing!!!
 - The guy I just walked past was checking me out!  Like really?  Wow!
 - I have lost 2 inches off my waist since I started tracking my measurements!  Sweet!!!
 - I set a new fasted pace during my run today.  Gotta do that again!

Are you getting the point?  Everything counts!!!
Don't short change yourself of a moment of triumph because you are still tracking last weekends gain.  So you went out with friends and had a good time or mom made her to die for dish and you couldn't say no or you had to have that candy bar.  Life happens!
You are still here!  You are still tracking!  You are still moving forward!!!

In 2012, I moved 4 times.  I spent an entire month eating nothing but fast food.  I spent several months not exercising.  I have been gaining and losing the same 5 - 10 lbs since August.  I've had a lot going on in my life.  I hate to see that I have gained back even an ounce, but EVERY ounce lost IS AN OUNCE LOST!!!  A couple weeks ago, I hit a new low on the scale since starting my weight loss journey.  The next week I was up 3+ lbs.  It sucks, but I still hit that bottom number.  I did it once, I will do it again!


  1. Losing and gaining the same 5-10 lbs since August is something I have been doing and what that means is that you are building lean muscle mass - you are losing fat and replacing it with muscle, so you get all kinds of fluctuations.

    I stopped lifting for a couple weeks after I resumed running so I could get my body used to that high impact sport, and I have dropped about 4-5 lbs in 6 weeks!

    1. Jenn, I would love for your answer to be true... Unfortunately, I know it is not a possibility... I've just been stuck because my life has been too crazy for focus on weight loss.
