Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Re-Evaluating Goals

A friend posted on my wall several weeks ago asking what the goal is I am working toward.  What is it that keeps me motivated as I pursue my weight loss journey? 

I couldn't answer the question. 

I mean, I want to get healthy and the clothes I had at the beginning of this journey were getting too small.  I was looking at needing to buy size 20 pants and had already started buying XXL shirts.  To me, this was disgusting.    Things needed to change and fast!  All of this started me down the road leading me to this question posted on my wall. 

In the last several weeks, this question keeps floating around in my mind.  Being healthy is not enough of a goal.  I mean, what is healthy?  A healthy weight?  A healthy BMI?  A healthy BF%?  There are so many variables, which one do I choose, when do I decide that 'healthy' is here?  Obviously weight, BMI & BF% are all great ways to measure one's health, but I needed something more, something concrete, a sense of accomplishment, not just looking at a number.

As my fitness level has increase in the last few months, I have started jogging during my usual walking route and I have 3 goals: 
short term - being able to jog down the 'big hill'
middle - being able to keep going around the pond and finish my route
end goal - being able to jog and even run the entire route

During my stretching routines before and after workouts, I enjoy seeing the new flexibility that I have gained.  When I first started, I could barely get my hands past my knees, now I can almost put my hands flat on the ground when bending over.  A new goal for me is to be able to do a full split.  This is something I was never able to do growing up, but I want to be able to do as an adult.

My final goal has to do with the fact I have always wanted to learn ballroom dance since there was  a swing dance class offered while I was in HS.  My body has never been strong enough to endure any type of dancing and yet I still would love to learn ballroom. 

This is my end goal. 

I want to be able to learn ballroom dancing!


  1. Always an inspiration! Love your blog and all your posts on LI! I really need to get in gear and start working towards more of my healthy goals. Right now I've been focusing on more of other goals ie getting house reorganized, stop biting nails... and so for I'm making progress on both just haven't been exercising...

    1. If you are having problems with your healthy goals, then start small. I was walking 3 days a week, even more last year, but I wasn't making any progress. I finally downloaded some tracking apps to my phone and discovered I was averaging about 15:30 a mile. My first fitness goal was to break 15:00. 5 months later, I am averaging low 14:00 / high 13:00, and my jogging spells even hit 10:00!!!
      If you are having problems finding time to exercise, then pick a plan and make sticking to it your first goal. For me, it was to leave work and drive straight to the park 3 times a week. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, straight to the park.
      You can do this!
      You are strong enough!
      You will succeed!!!
