Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I Hate Tractor Trailer Tires!!!

With a passion!!!
I was supposed to start flipping the tire at the gym with 1 hand, but instead the manager of the gym was training someone to flip both tires yesterday and my trainer said try that instead of doing one handed.  Stupid me...  I blindly did as she commanded!!!
Each set of tire flips took me more than 5 minutes as I had to rest between each flip.
250 lbs of tire to deadlift and control flip.
Today my quads, forearms and biceps are screaming.  I am downing water like it is going out of style.  I actually have bruises on my forearms!
But, by the end of the 3rd set yesterday, I was recovering faster and working the tire with more ease and I love the pain I am in today because it means I am challenging my body and it is up for the task!  Soon, very soon I will be flipping it like I was just one tire and I can't wait!!!


  1. Jesyka, I don't know whether to grin or just to shake my head. I have a friend here in Germany with his own logistic company. I'm sure you could flip all his tires for him for free (plus you get to see lovely WF with all its historical sites). Flip away lady, but keep a cool head about it.

    1. Probably, you should grin and shake your head... It is insane, but I was loving it! The phrase 'hurt so good' comes to mind. Next time I am in Germany, you will have to set me up with your friend and his logistic company full of tires! I would have a day!!! :-)
