Friday, November 30, 2012

What the Burpee?

I was invited to join a 100 day Burpee Challenge on Lose It starting November 1.  I received the invitation around October 25.  After checking out the challenge and the referenced link for more information, I was very hesitant to sign up for this challenge.  I'm ok with the squat portion as all of my strength is in my legs, but the push up?  And it is a real push up not just a girly, from the knees push up...  Can I really do this?  I have no core strength at all!
But I start with just 1 and then 2 and then 3...  That's not so hard...
But there aren't any rest days and my body is going to be so stressed...
Can you tell I over think things way too much?  
It took me 3 full days to decide I was at least going to try the challenge.  If I couldn't do it, there is no shame in dropping out.
I did my very first burpee ever on November 1.  And it wasn't that bad!
November 2 - going good!
November 3 - Ummm...  Starting to feel this!
November 5 - What did I sign up for!!!
Nevertheless, I kept going and although it wasn't easy and some days I had to push myself harder than others, I did it for 20 days straight.  
Now before you start calling me a quitter, my calves were killing me from starting to move the weekend before and since I was going to need to be carrying furniture and doing a million stairs in the coming weekend, I made the choice to take a temporary break.  I made up 3 days on Sunday the 25th, but Monday I was unable to pull my legs back up once.  I have since caught up 2 more days.  I still have 5 days to get back on target, but I am going to do it!!!  One day at a time, I am going to complete this challenge!
Even still with my flaking out, my arms are getting stronger, my stomach isn't hurting as much and is slimming down, my legs are becoming almost rock hard.  I can't wait for 70 more days to see what my body is looking and feeling like then!!!  

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