Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Road Less Travelled

In the second fattest country in the world, I choose to become a healthier me.
Only 1 out of 3 people choose to be Christian, and I am.
So where am I going with this?
This last weekend was my 3rd year at Bolar Mountain.  I always go to the beach and the outlook on the way to the store and the boat launch that has cell phone service and always make the mile long trek up to Grouse Point Overlook.
Prior to starting this journey, when faced with the decision to go a whole mile to an overlook or to take a unknown trail hike, what decision would you have made?  Yes, I drive out to the middle of nowhere just to escape the craziness of my life, but in all reality, all you really care about is that crazy awesome picture that says I did it!  So off to the overlook you go!
I'm not against this at all!  That's what I have done the last 2 times at the park.  So why am I writing about it?  Because this year when faced with making the trek up to the overlook to get that great 'I did it!' picture, I turned left onto my 'less travelled road'.

The trail I took was little more than a footpath through the woods:  mossed over and covered with leaves from last fall.  Sometimes way too much of an incline up or down depending on where I was.  Hoping and praying that the soft ground wouldn't give out from under me, leaving me sprawled on the forest floor.  I made my way down into a ravine, wondering if I was even in the right place, following blue patches on trees as my only clue that I was still where some other humans had been before.  Following a creek bed, several feet deep, seeing the harsh savagery of nature as trees came down, sliding down the mountain until something stronger stopped it, seeing the little flowers springing up in the middle of nowhere, saying I am strong enough to survive, even here.

I turn a corner on the trail and am greeted with a sight that makes me so glad my mother is not with me.  A narrow and long bridge springs up to greet me, and if that isn't enough, there is a plank missing as well.  I start out across this bridge, feeling not unlike Indiana Jones, and waiting for the bridge to collapse from underneath of me.  As I get nearer to the missing plank, I feel the bridge moving under me more and more, and all I can think about is I am ready for my big role in the movies, it is going to collapse under me and I am going to fall several hundred feet, screaming the whole way until you hear a faint splash...  In all reality, if my mother had been with me, she just would have climbed down into the creek bed and crossed.  I was probably all of 4 feet off the ground, but I was still not impressed with the swaying bridge.

Unbeknownst to me, the bridge was the least of my worries.  No sooner do I step off the bridge, then I start climbing, and by climbing, I mean digging in with all I had to get back up out of the ravine!  Eventually I do make it out of the ravine (obviously) and quickly find myself on a type of service road.  I was actually somewhat disappointed as I followed this road instead of an actual trail.  I mean what is the point of a road less travelled if someone actually built the road????

 At the top of the road, I was greeted with another choice:  continue on the loop I have been travelling or what?  Another overlook?  Why not?  I am already here, aren't I?

OMG!!!  I have never seen a more beautiful vista!  Absolutely stole my breath as I rounded the corner!!!  I sat on a bench and proceeded to enjoy the picnic lunch I had packed and just soaked in this scene that I might never have discovered if I hadn't taken that first left hand turn.
After my lunch was finished, I packed up and set out to continue my Bolar Loop journey.  I was very pleased to be back on a trail and done with the 'road' type setting.  Once again, being careful about foot placement and as most of this section was downhill, I had to be careful to keep my weight back so I didn't go tumbling down!!!  I came to another fork in the road.  Overlook this way, fee booth spur this way.  Well, even if I had been to the Grouse Point Overlook every year, that didn't mean I didn't want to go this year, so onward I travelled.
The side view of the islands seen in this picture are the same islands that were a front view in the last picture. I couldn't believe how far I had travelled!!!  But the best part was I had literally just passed the fee booth spur, so instead of continuing on the loop that I had been on many times before, I back tracked and hit the fee booth spur.  And this is where the story gets lost, well maybe not the story, but I certainly got lost!!!  You see, I came to yet another fork in the trail only this one was unmarked so I didn't know which way to go.  My choices were steep uphill and into the sun or gentle downhill and shaded.  Now, I know that for the story to be really good, I should have taken the apparent harder of the 2 paths and gone uphill and into the sun, but I was hot and tired, and while I didn't mind continuing my hike, was it really necessary to make it harder than it needed to be?  And every time I had been presented with a choice, I had chosen left, so I went left again.  This actually ended up being the hardest part of my entire journey.  The 'gentle' downhill was so misleading as the trail was so steep downhill that 'steps' had been put into place so you weren't completely trying to kill yourself.  Who were they kidding?  Zigzagging back and forth, praying for an end sometime soon and that I would end up somewhere that I knew where I was!!!  And finally, I hear traffic.  Maybe I did choose the fee booth spur!  Yahooey!!!  I see the bottom of my trail coming out onto another service road and there is a sign at the bottom that reads Sugar Hollow Trail.  (not the fee booth spur)  Note to self:  Next years trail is the whole Sugar Hollow Trail, not just the really scary part that I decided to traverse.  But that is another story.  I head for the traffic, because I am done for the day.  
My trail hike ended by walking down these steps.  This is not the first time I have seen these steps since they are on the side of the road leading into the campground, nor is this the first time I have taken a picture of these steps, but I had to take the picture, once more, because this time, I walked down those steps and the trail on the other side too.

All told, I walked over 6 miles this day, climbed and descended at least 115 flights of stairs (1150 ft altitude change either up or down).  It was an amazing trip and one I will not soon forget and I cannot wait to go back and do it all again next year.  I wish I didn't have to wait that long, but hey, that is part of what makes it so magical!  

Maybe to tide me over I will head out to the Blue Ridge, which are certainly a lot closer and spend a day hiking this summer!!!

Just remember, it is that first step that is the hardest.  Once you get moving, just keep on going, and soon you will be taking all left turns onto roads less travelled too!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I Hate Tractor Trailer Tires!!!

With a passion!!!
I was supposed to start flipping the tire at the gym with 1 hand, but instead the manager of the gym was training someone to flip both tires yesterday and my trainer said try that instead of doing one handed.  Stupid me...  I blindly did as she commanded!!!
Each set of tire flips took me more than 5 minutes as I had to rest between each flip.
250 lbs of tire to deadlift and control flip.
Today my quads, forearms and biceps are screaming.  I am downing water like it is going out of style.  I actually have bruises on my forearms!
But, by the end of the 3rd set yesterday, I was recovering faster and working the tire with more ease and I love the pain I am in today because it means I am challenging my body and it is up for the task!  Soon, very soon I will be flipping it like I was just one tire and I can't wait!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Full Body Cardio Strength Training - Update

I started my new workout on April 15, so I have done a total of 11 workouts.  Before I go any further, you may want to go re-read the original post.  

  1. Burpee Combo - started at 10 lbs, upped to 15 lbs - also, getting really close to doing full push ups!
  2. Shoulder raises - started at 12 lbs, upped to 20 lbs, using actual weights, not kettlebells
  3. Rope whip cracks - started at 10, will be increasing the quantity today to exhaustion
  4. Rope squat jumps - started at 10, already increased to exhaustion, generally about 15
  5. Crossovers - started at 12, already increased to 20, going to try for 30 today
  6. Hip sled - started at 260 lbs, upped to 350 lbs
  7. TRX Abductions - exhaustion point started at 5, up to 30, changed to include pikes, exhaustion point started at 6, already up to 13
Additional rope exercises to be rotated through my workouts:
  1. Rope slaps
  2. Alternating rope slaps
The gym recently acquired a tractor trailer tire to be flipped the length of the gym and back
  1. Tire flips - I've worked with the tire 4 times...  And am now being told that I need to start doing 1 handed flips...  Guess what I am doing today!!!
The big 'challenge' in the gym right now:
  1. Negatives - These tear you UP!!!  I have tried 3 times.  The first time I fell so fast I had to laugh at myself.  The second time I felt my arms trying to hold on...  and then I fell!  The third time....  I didn't fall!!!!!!!!  Still wasn't a true negative, but I didn't fall!!!!
So....... I am now up to a 2 hour weight training workout, 1000+ calorie burn every time!

And I am loving every minute of it!  I have never in my life felt as good as I do at the gym, or the days that I get to go to the gym or on my way home from the gym!  This is my happy place!  This is when I get to do something for me!

Next Tuesday is the day to get into my 'not quite yet' bag to see what else I can add to my wardrobe!  I can't wait to find out what stuff I can fit back into again!!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Angels in Disguise

Today's post is not really weight related, but more life related because of something that has happened in my life over the last week.
Sometime last week I wanted to send a card to 2 of my friends who are very dear to me, but I forgot, got busy and distracted for a couple of days.  I finally got the cards into the mail, sometime...  Don't have a clue when, but I knew they were on their way to spread cheer the old fashioned way.  I kept waiting and waiting to hear that they had received their cards, waiting for them to receive my love!  But nothing...  silence...
Yesterday, I sent a 'Good Morning' email to one of the 2, asking how they were and how the weekend had been.  The response I received was 'not good, tell you later.'  My heart ached to know what was going on, but I didn't want to pry...  I just kept hoping and praying that my card would get delivered, on this, a day of need!
Today, I received a phone call that said 'words could not describe how I felt when I opened your card.'  
When I heard the story of what had happened, I knew there was a reason that I got busy last week and wasn't able to get the cards into the mail when I wanted to.  Because I was needed yesterday!  
Do you want to hear something even more incredible about this friendship?  We have never met!  This person means so much to me, not a single day passes without feeling and sending love!
In today's technological world, I am finding more and more of these people in my world that have become very near and dear to me, but I may never meet face to face!  I have friends in Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Boston, Germany, Idaho, even semi-locally in Virginia.  These people know things in my life that I may not feel comfortable telling someone face to face, or just don't trust someone in my everyday life to have this knowledge, these friends know my ups, and know my downs, share in my victories and hold my hand while I cry.
I downloaded the LoseIt app last April to replace an exercise tracker that just wasn't doing what I wanted... I had no idea the world I was breaking into and being accepted by.  Many of my friends from LI have 'leaked' into my real world, emailing with them on a daily basis, friends on Facebook, texting or calling each other.
The friend who had a bad day yesterday is kind of a co-worker, although these days, aunt is a better description.  She is not from LI, but offers the same unconditional support that I receive from all of my LI friends.
And that is what makes LI so successful!  The support system that we offer each other!!!  We know even on our worst days that someone will say 'It's ok.  You can do it!'
I will post similar statuses on LI and FB, either praise or misery, and the response I get from LI is overwhelming sometimes and generally speaking the first responses on FB are friends from LI as well.  
Even though I am starting a new phase of my journey where I am not really losing anymore, but rather toning and conditioning, LI is so much a part of my life that I know, like so many of my friends that have achieved their goals and are still active on LI daily, I will continue to support my friends!
And something else unbelieveable that is happening?  That positive energy that I feed off of and contribute to, is infecting the rest of my life.  My attitude is becoming more positive, more encouraging to everyone else in my life.  I am finding it easier to get through the bad days, because I know that I really do got this!